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Inspired by nature, Driven by technology. Starting with vanilla.

As the world pursues more natural vanilla, and while the most beloved flavor suffers instability and low quality, Vanilla Vida is creating a new reality.

Harnessing the power of technology

To create a stable supply of top-quality natural vanilla

Vertically-integrated operation

Location independent


Expanding the use of natural ingredients

What if you could read a plant like an open book?

We deliver the world’s most vanillin-concentrated natural vanilla. Using advanced data analytics, precision agriculture methods in climate-controlled greenhouses, and a patented curing technology - we optimize each bean’s full potential.

Efficient beyond market standards

3-4 times

more vanillin

20 times
more yield
per m2


each bean's
full potential

Your vanilla
of choice

By naturally navigating the sensory profile, for the first time ever, vanilla flavors can be tailored to specific preferences and needs. Whether you wish to explore another line of products, expand into different markets, or secure your beloved blend by enhancing specific flavors, we can unlock new opportunities for you.

Discover the potential